EarthChat presents in-depth conversations and views on the many environment issues affecting our community. EarthChat is brought to you by BEAM Mitchell Environment Group. You can listen live each Tuesday on Seymour FM at 12noon AEST, with hosts Ruth, Peter, Marie and Tim. Time to tune in, listen up and get active. Don’t forget to like and follow.
4 days ago
4 days ago
Marie Gerrard and Ruth Yeatman interview Ian Dempsey about the plans to build the Inland Rail, especially through Broadford. Ian Dempsey is a local Broadford citizen with a long record of activism in Mitchell Shire particularly in environmental issues. He is an active member of the Rotary Club of Southern Mitchell as environmental chair. He is also involved in the Rotary Environmental Sustainability Group. He has recently become a member of Mitchell Environmental Advisory Committee.
On this week's show, we will be concentrating on the environmental effects of the Inland Rail in Broadford with work scheduled to start soon. There are obvious benefits to our region in using trains for transporting freight rather than large trucks, but we need to value our environment as well. Is there a better option, or how can we support train cargo plans AND the local environment. Listen in!
Wednesday Mar 12, 2025
Wednesday Mar 12, 2025
Not many people may have heard about Footy for Climate, but it is a ground-breaking organisation. It was founded by two AFLM players, Tom Campbell (Melbourne FC, St Kilda, North Melbourne and Western Bulldogs) and Jasper Pittard (North Melbourne and Port Adelaide) in the wake of the 2020 Black Summer bushfires. Tom and Jasper were North Melbourne teammates when their training was forced indoors due to hazardous air quality caused by those fires. This led to a conversation about climate change and the role AFL and AFLW players can play in supporting the communities being impacted by extreme weather caused by climate change.It is now a thriving organisation with a vision to have positive climate action as an embedded part of AFL culture, actively protecting the future of the game through our members, our partners and the wider football community.With the start of the 2025 season upon us, co-founder Tom, Campbell and CEO Lex Lynch are on EarthChat this week to talk about Footy for Climate, how they work with clubs and players at all levels and how clubs everywhere are adapting to the impact of climate on our game. It is a thought-provoking thoughtful and important conversation.
More Information?Footy for Climate website and Facebook page
A great article on climate change from Dockers Captain Alex Pearce
Thursday Mar 06, 2025
Thursday Mar 06, 2025
Join Ruth and Phil this week as they continue their Treaty conversation with First Peoples’ Assembly North East Representative, Levi Power, who returns to update us on the Treaty process here in Victoria. After years of careful consultation (Phase One of Three),The Allan Labor Government and the First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria have entered the Second Phase of the Victorian treaty process which is to agree and establish the rules of treaty-making as part of the Treaty Negotiation Framework. This follows close to a decade of preparatory work by the parties, including Australia’s first Treaty legislation passed by the Victorian Parliament in 2018, and the Treaty Authority Act which received bipartisan support in the Victorian Parliament in 2022.Treaty is about making a better and fairer state for every Victorian. Treaty will achieve practical change, with the initial round of negotiations focusing on securing a foundation for Treaty in Victoria that recognises the relationship between the State and First Peoples. Key areas will include structural measures to support reconciliation, truth, education and healing between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Victorians.Negotiations are overseen by the independent Treaty Authority according to rules set out in the Treaty Negotiation Framework. A landmark ceremony in November 2024 celebrated the commencement of negotiations which resumed in January 2025 with weekly talks. The parties will release regular Joint Statements to keep all Victorians updated.
Information:First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria: Government:
Thursday Feb 27, 2025
Thursday Feb 27, 2025
Four roadside bins to grace your kerbside. What is this, how will it work?Mitchell Shire begins the four-bin roadside collection system in March. A bin for glass only, another for other recyclables, one for green waste and the red bin for landfill. Four bins will take some thinking, and becoming familiar with timetables.Australia’s recycling per capita is not high: we can do better. In Mitchell Shire. 66% of our rubbish bin is organic waste, so taking that out of the red bin will save on methane generating landfill and enabling a large scale composting operation.However, there’s a lot to get your head around. Narelle Liepa is Mitchell Shire’s Manager of Environment and Sustainability. She joins Peter Lockyer on EarthChat this week and we will work our way through the new 4 bin system, the reasons behind the new system, and the desired outcomes. 4 bins is a big waste management step, all on your kerbside.EarthChat …. Its food for thought, yours and mine. Listen up.
Thursday Feb 20, 2025
Thursday Feb 20, 2025
Mitchell local and BEAM committee member Peter Gaffney is an organiser for Rising Tide and he joins EarthChat again to talk about this amazing movement. Peter is dedicated to the well-being of both the planet and its inhabitants. He is both an impassioned environmental activist and palliative care nurse specialist. Throughout his career, the planet's welfare has remained a central priority. He has sought to bridge the gap between environmental activism and healthcare, recognizing the intricate relationship between a healthy planet and the well-being of its inhabitants.We hear from Peter about his passions and advocacy work and we will get a first hand report on the Rising Tide blockade work in November 2024. Listen in and find out why this work is important and what you can do to support climate action. Read more about Rising Tide in Victoria on Facebook or check out Rising Tide's website here.
Thursday Feb 13, 2025
Thursday Feb 13, 2025
This week on EarthChat, Marie Gerrard and John Thompson explore the many and varied ways that our economic future will be affected by Climate Change. These include increased natural disasters, droughts, bushfires and health effects to name some. We can expect major rises in our expenses for recovery. Many homes and businesses will become uninsurable and governments will be expected to pay with our taxes.
What are the economic costs and what can we as community members do in response? Listen in to find out more!
Wednesday Feb 05, 2025
Wednesday Feb 05, 2025
Horse studs are big around Seymour and indeed across all of Mitchell Shire. This is a big money industry. What are the opportunities to make this industry more environmentally benign?James Manning is Stud Manager at Godolphin Stud in Northwood Road, and he joins Peter Lockyer on EarthChat this week as we dig deep into horse manure, a BEAM study a decade ago “Stable Waste to Compost” and James's work at Godolphin. James is also currently studying a regenerative agriculture course. He’s also looking to inform locals about an upcoming free Farm Tree event at Godolphin on Feb 14th. That’s a lot to chat about.See for more details. Find out about his regenerative agriculture course here:
Thursday Jan 30, 2025
Thursday Jan 30, 2025
Bertram Lobert, president of the Community Group, ‘Save Our Strathbogie Forest’ (SOSF), joins Nelly and Ruth on EarthChat Tuesday to tell us about their conservation efforts to improve the management of the Strathbogie Forest. A recent campaign with the Victorian Government successfully advocated for a halt to native forest logging in 2019.In 2024, in a legal case brought by Save Our Strathbogie Forest against the State of Victoria/Dept. of Energy, Environment and Climate Action, the Federal Court ruled that the evidence before the court was insufficient to argue that the four proposed planned burns were likely to significantly impact the nationally threatened Southern Greater Glider who’s survival is completely dependent on access to hollow-bearing trees.Despite this disappointment, there was an upside in the process, the court found that planned burns for fuel reduction are not exempt from the EPBC Act, as the Victorian Government has insisted for the last 25 years. This in itself is a ‘big deal’. Later in August, the full bench (three Justices) of the Federal Court, at Appeal, strengthened this finding.Bert sincerely believes that adopting the First Nations’ ethos of ‘healing country’ with a strong bioregional context is an integral part of our collective human response to several of the planetary crises we face, namely climate change, the sixth extinction, freshwater use and land system change. SOSF consults with the Taungurung Land and Waters’ Council in their efforts to strive for policy and actions that better protect the forest’s natural values.Join us to hear how he and the SOSF overcome the challenges inherent in convincing those ‘in power’ to rethink their approach to forest management to ensure critical habitat is protected not only so the many species who depend on them can thrive, but how they in turn can reciprocally fulfill their role of contributing to the overall health of the forest.Bert is a post graduate in zoology, geography and ecology from Monash University, and his current projects involve threatened species conservation, ground-water monitoring, wetland conservation, nature communication and forest management. His greatest love is having the time to simply be out in the field to collect data.
Thursday Jan 23, 2025
Thursday Jan 23, 2025
You may not know the name Violet Coco, but you would have seen her on the news, arrested for protesting in different places, all to highlight the precarious state of our planet. Violet is a passionate environment and social justice activist. She has been arrested 49 times in 6 years as a non-violent, direct action, change maker. She recently spent two months in prison and is facing court again on February 7th.She was the first person sentenced under controversial new anti-protest laws in NSW, receiving a sentence of 18 months in prison for blocking the Sydney Harbour Bridge in a campaign which was supporting firefighters. Her sentence was dropped on appeal. Violet describes herself as a conscientious objector to the murder of our planet. Violet is an eloquent and gracious conversationalist and someone who has great wisdom to share.
Information on Violet:- Patreon, Wilipedia and The Guardian
Some links of interest mentioned in the show:- Song: People's Uprising by James Brook ft Violet Coco (on Bandcamp)
- Some books and other resources:
Zen and the Art of Saving the Planet and Peace is Every Step, Thich Nhat Hanh
We can’t get There from Here: Carbon, Climate and the Call to Wonder, with Báyò Akómoláfé and Paul Hawken
Any book by Joanna Macy
Wednesday Jan 15, 2025
Wednesday Jan 15, 2025
A new year, a new podcast!On Earth Chat this week, Peter, Marie chats with Simon Millar who is the captain of a whale-watching boat that operates out of Eden, NSW.They discuss the very interesting and well documented history of the interactions between Indigenous people and whales in the fairly recent past. We will also cover the return of humpback whales since the ban on whale slaughter, their fascinating migrations and the looming environmental threats facing them with global warming and ocean acidification. There are many threats to their habitat and their food sources. We will also discuss their interactions with the other creatures in the habitat.Read more about Simon's Whale Watching Tours here.\
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