
EarthChat presents in-depth conversations and views on the many environment issues affecting our community. EarthChat is brought to you by BEAM Mitchell Environment Group. You can listen live each Tuesday on Seymour FM at 12noon AEST or to the repeat on Saturday at 8am with your hosts Vanessa, Peter, Ruth and Tim. Time to tune in, listen up and get active EarthChatters!

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3 days ago

This week Marie Gerrard and Peter Lockyer chat with Elyse Kelly, Mitchell Shire Council's Environment Coordinator about a range of plans to enhance the local environment in our beautiful shire. Elyse has worked at the Mitchell Shire Council for several years and during that time there have been many improvements in the protection of our very diverse area. In the coming months there will be a range of consultation opportunities for the public to comment on various Council plans related to the environment.They also have details of the National Tree Day on Sunday 28th July where there will be opportunities for everyone to take part. 

Wednesday Jul 17, 2024

It's now the middle of Plastic Free July and this week's EarthChat gives us a good opportunity to do a plastic-free stock take. How is the month going for you? What have been the small steps you have taken to make a big difference in reducing plastic in your life? What's going well and what has been a struggle?
So, this week, Tim and Ruth chat about plastics. They also have three different local guests who give their perspectives and share handy hints for reducing plastic. Some actions are harder than others and some people have yet to see the importance of reducing plastic waste. However, the good news, is that some changes are easy and fun and can make you feel much better about life and the planet. Hear how one business, Cafe 96, has been doing some exciting things to reduce plastic in their food preparation and offerings. It's a win-win for them and their customers. Also, get some handy hints about other businesses which are moving away from plastic and who you can support them. We look forward to your company.It's not too late to get on board with Plastic Free July. Take the challenge here.

Wednesday Jul 10, 2024

Turtles in the Goulburn Valley - ancient survivors under threat from foxes and vehicles.Ken Wallis lives on a property  near 5 Mile Siding on the Goulburn River, on which he grows flowers with his partner TR but a healthy turtle habitat has sparked a new interest for them both.Ken’s turtle habitat includes billabongs along the Upper Goulburn Road east of Tallarook. Freshwater wetlands, swamps slow-moving rivers and farm dams are the favoured habitat. The Eastern Long-neck Turtle is in healthy numbers, but their nests  are under heavy threat every nesting season. Foxes in the main, and perhaps larger birds, have an appetite for disturbing nests and eating eggs.  95% of nests in Australia are damaged. So whilst a long-neck turtle can lay a lot of eggs- up to 13 hard-shelled eggs- the brightly coloured plastrons take 120-150 days to emerge. That leaves  a lot of time as vulnerable to hungry foxes and foraging larger birds.Turtles date from 230 million years ago, and have survived the dramatic changes that wiped out dinosaurs but their future is uncertain in a changing climate with pest predators and vehicles. Ken joins Peter Lockyer to discuss the turtles at Five Mile Siding; their nesting habits, how to identify turtle nests, where the nests are most likely and how to conserve the nests. What are the conservation measures available? Have you got turtle evidence in your backyard?Ken has a keen eye, and also shares his observations of patterns in migration of snakes, wombats and birds up and down the Tallarook Ranges through Seasonal Concepts to the Goulburn River. And these patterns change.Ken Wallis chats with Peter Lockyer on EarthChat. Education and stories from our Goulburn River backyard in Taungurung country that makes our region just that more fascinating to share. 

Wednesday Jul 03, 2024

Despite the recent referendum result the reconciliation journey continues - it is far from over as the need for recognition, justice, and healing is ongoing.6.2 million Australians voted YES. And then there were many who voted NO who actually want positive change for indigenous people in this country but because of confusion and misinformation they heeded the outrageous advice from the Leader of the Opposition who counselled: “If you don’t know, vote NO..” What on earth happened to: ‘if you don’t know, find out’?As we prepare for Treaty negotiations in Victoria let’s get clear about what drove people to vote NO? We must learn these lessons to ensure Victorians are clear that this important opportunity ensures Indigenous Victorians will at last have the freedom and power to make the decisions that affect all of their communities, cultures, and Country. They are after all the experts when it comes to identifying and communicating their needs.Ruth’s guest this week is Professor Andrew Gunstone who is an international authority in the field of reconciliation. His recent book: Reflections On The Voice : During and After the Campaign, the first to explore the Referendum and its Aftermath, was written both during and after the Referendum campaign.It explores many critical reconciliation matters, including Indigenous rights, addressing racism substantive reconciliation, equality, truth-telling, community engagements, international agreements, and allyship.Prof. Gunstone is the Associate Deputy Vice-Chancellor Reconciliation at Federation University, where he has institutional responsibility for all reconciliation matters, including the Nations Centre for Reconciliation, Truth, and Justice, which he created in 2023.Andrew has been engaged in reconciliation for many years and is also Co-Chair of Reconciliation Victoria, the peak State-wide reconciliation body; Foundation Editor of the Journal of Australian Indigenous Issues, Co-convenor of the National University R.A.P. Network; and a member of the serval national and regional reconciliation committees.Join Ruth for this important conversation with Andrew Gunstone who helps us get clear about what it will mean to have a Treaty in Victoria.

Thursday Jun 20, 2024

This week on EarthChat, Marie and Ruth chat with the Hon Kelvin Thompson about Birdlife Australia. The conversation is a great chance to learn about long-standing group and its work that makes the most of the power of citizen science.Marie and Ruth discuss the long term findings of the organisation's annual bird count with Kelvin who had a long career in politics but has also been a bird watcher since childhood He is a life member of Birdlife Australia as well as their Education Officer. It's an interesting and informative conversation.Many of us environmental activists have a love of birds and their place in nature in our childhoods. BEAM always welcomes children in our activities.Want to learn more about Birdlife Australia, check out their informative website here.

Thursday Jun 13, 2024

The Rising Tide of community activism against the fossil fuel export industry has a local champion in Peter Gaffney. Rising Tide is an activist community group focused on real action to address the climate change challenge. Actions are direct and dramatic for this is the challenge of our time.“We are the rising tide of ordinary people, called by extraordinary times. We are a diverse movement demanding Australia honours our commitment to the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement. We are prepared to take whatever peaceful actions within our power to defend the climate.”Time is short and the stakes are high as our climate change escalates.As UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres says… “2023 is a year of reckoning. It must be a year of game-changing climate action. We need disruption to end the destruction. No more baby steps. No more excuses. No more greenwashing. No more bottomless greed of the fossil fuel industry and its enablers.”Australia is one of the world’s largest exporters of coal and gas. The emissions from these exports dwarf our domestic climate pollution. The Port of Newcastle is the biggest coal port in the world, and Australia’s single largest contributor to the climate crisis. So Rising Tide's action focus is on coal - stop expanding coal mines, and stop exporting coal to become someone else’s emissions problem. That problem impacts us all.Last year Rising Tide staged a blockade of the Port of  Newcastle. Newcastle is the largest coal export port in the world. A 30 hour blockade that attracted committed people from infants to 90 year-olds.Peter Gaffney is a committee member of BEAM Mitchell Environment Group. Peter was really enthusiastic about direct action in Newcastle last year and is now on the Victorian organising committee of Rising Tide.On EarthChat this week,  Peter shares about the “fire in his belly” over coal and climate action with Peter Lockyer. 

Tuesday Jun 04, 2024

Plastic Free July is coming and we have an amazing guest to help us plan individual and local community activities! On this week's EarthChat, Tim and Ruth chat with Rebecca Prince-Ruiz, the founder of the global Plastic Free Foundation.Plastic Free July is a key initiative of the Plastic Free Foundation, inspiring all of us to work towards a vision of seeing a world free of plastic waste. From humble beginnings in 2011 with Rebecca and a small team in local government in Western Australia, it is now one of the most influential environmental campaigns in the world. Millions of people across the globe take part every year, with many committing to reducing plastic pollution far beyond the month of July.Rebecca is a change-maker, author, TEDx speaker and sustainability professional who is motivated to care for people and planet. Rebecca believes that as individuals, by changing our relationship with plastic and challenging our consumption, together we can work towards a world without plastic waste.Want to read more and get involved in Plastic Free July? Look here. Also check out our Facebook page and our website for BEAM's Plastic Free July events.

Wednesday May 29, 2024

Tim and Ruth chat with Liz Downes about Deep Ecology. What is Deep Ecology? It is a way of life that supports conscious activism. It’s a sense of being part of the earth and called into action by the web of life. activism and facilitation work then involves creating a sense of community among like-minded people who want to explore this connection with the web of life.
Liz Downes is a forest activist, researcher and campaigner. Her recent focus has been in Ecuador, where mining is threatening the world’s most biodiverse regions. Liz is director of the Rainforest Information Centre and a facilitator of Deep Ecology, helping others do experiential work which aims to ignite our passion for the living Earth and the knowing of ourselves as part of it, which lead to empowerment and action in difficult times.
Want to read more? Check here for information, including course dates, for the Rainforest Information Centre and here for background on Deep Ecology.
You can find out about the Australian Earth Laws Alliance here

Wednesday May 22, 2024

This week on EarthChat, Marie and Tim chat with Cath Rouse from the community group opposing the proposed Wollert waste to energy incinerator.They discuss and learn about the environmental dangers to the surrounding residents from the  potential toxic emissions caused by burning among other things large quantities of plastic and other chemicals. They also emit large amounts of greenhouse gases while producing energy.Want to read more? Check out this website from Climate Action Merribek. You can also add your name to the petition here. You can also get involved though the No Northern Incinerator Wollert FaceBook page

Wednesday May 15, 2024

Peter Mitchell joins Ruth this Tuesday, May14 at noon to give listeners a sneak preview into the latest edition of the ‘Natural Treasures’ in Mitchell Shire prior to its official launch next Sunday, May 19.This new edition offers 16 more sites for us to explore, and Peter has created reserve notes for every site. There are a lot more nature reserves, roadside wild nature corridors, rail trail reserves, and many more walking tracks, all of which beckon us to put on our boots and get out into nature.And there’s more…… !In addition to being able to pick up the leaflet from the Shire’s Libraries and Information Centres from next Monday, May 20, you will also be able to plan your nature expeditions from home via BEAM’s website which goes live at the time of launch (see below). There is also a fabulous "Nature Scavenger Hunt" for children to enjoy.I’ve been privileged to take a sneak peak at this fabulous new leaflet. Here’s an excerpt:“This brochure lists the best of the nature reserves in Mitchell Shire which are available to the public. The landscapes of Mitchell Shire have many Natural Treasures including small but rich patches of wildflowers, tree-lined corridors along roadsides, railways and creeks, larger conservation reserves and state forests, and private bushlands.To find these reserves, download walking maps, and learn more about the natural history that make these Treasures such rich places, go to: (live from Sunday, May 19)They have a rich diversity of environments…….” “This diversity of environments provides habitat for a wide range of native plants, animals, fungi and bacteria, and all the complex interactions between them. The form a framework of biodiversity that we can use to rebuild healthy ecosystems and landscapes across the Shire”.What also makes this Natural Treasures’ leaflet so special is that it is the only information of its kind, (thanks to the work of Peter and others acknowledged on the leaflet). Neither Parks Victoria nor Vic Forests offer such extensive and important information.Join us to hear about these exciting new additions to the leaflet, and to be reminded of all the nature reserves open to the public in this Shire. We often don’t realize how lucky we are to have so many places to immerse ourselves in nature nearby - many more compared to most other Shires in this State.

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