
EarthChat presents in-depth conversations and views on the many environment issues affecting our community. EarthChat is brought to you by BEAM Mitchell Environment Group. You can listen live each Tuesday on Seymour FM at 12noon AEST or to the repeat on Saturday at 8am with your hosts Vanessa, Peter, Ruth and Tim. Time to tune in, listen up and get active EarthChatters!

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10 hours ago

Ruth and Phil welcome Levi Power and Jarvis Atkinson from the First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria who bring us the latest Victorian Treaty news. Treaty is an opportunity for First Peoples to have a greater say and control over matters that affect them. It is an opportunity to secure meaningful structural reform to ensure First Peoples make the decisions about their communities, their culture, and their country. Australia is the only Commonwealth country without a Treaty with its First Nation’s People but this is about to change with the State of Victoria leading the way.The First People’s Assembly of Victoria is the independent and democratically elected body to represent Traditional Owners of Country and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Victoria.Having conducted a careful and thorough consultation process over the last 7 years with Indigenous people across the State, The First Peoples’ Assembly have announced they are now ready to commence Treaty negotiations with the State Government of Victoria.The assembly will continue to bring Communities together around the State to decide what priorities they should focus on during the first round of negotiations. This will also help empower the diverse Traditional Owner groups in Victoria to start negotiating Treaties in the areas that reflect their specific aspirations and priorities.For more information go to where there is plenty of great information and an invitation to non indigenous Victorians to walk with them on the path to Treaty.About Levi PowerLevi Power is a proud Yorta Yorta man of the Dhulanyagan clan, born, raised and living in Shepparton. He has worked in the Treaty space for the last four years, engaging with Community across the State and is now one of four North East Representatives with the First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria.“I want to see a Victoria where the oldest living culture in the world is embraced and celebrated, and the right history is being taught in schools. A Victoria that values Aboriginal Community skills and knowledge.”About Jarvis AtkinsonJarvis Atkinson, a Yorta Yorta man from Shepparton, recounts how his educational experiences led to involvement with the criminal justice system. He describes overcoming addiction, and now he works as one of the NE Engagement Officers with the First Peoples Assembly, promoting Treaty and self-determination in Victoria.Also, this month, EarthChat is giving away a copy of the wonderful book "Sand Talk" by Tyson Yunkaporta. To be in the running, just message BEAM on Facebook or email with the tag #sandtalk and your name will be in the hat.

6 days ago

On this week's EarthChat, Vanessa and Ruth talk about landscape restoration and the pilot project Vanessa has coordinated this year with the Granite to Goulburn group (G2G), under the umbrella of the New Futures for Victorian Landcare program. Listen in and learn lots!

Treaty for Victoria, S24, Ep32

Wednesday Aug 28, 2024

Wednesday Aug 28, 2024

This program originally went to air on 8th December, 2023. however, there has been lots of further developments in relation to a Treaty for Victoria and the First People's Assembly. EarthChat will have future episodes which bring us up to date with these developments, but this initial one is an important scene setter for the episodes to follow. Join us on this journey.Ruth and Phil are joined by Levi Power, a North East Representative of the First Peoples' Assembly of Victoria, who brings us the latest Assembly news.Over the next few years, the Assembly will negotiate a statewide Treaty with the Victorian State Government to tackle the big overarching statewide issues like improving health, education and justice to create a better future together for all Victorians.The Assembly will also help empower the diverse Traditional Owner groups in Victoria to start negotiating Treaties in the areas that reflect their specific aspirations and priorities.The First Peoples' Assembly of Victoria is the independent and democratically elected body to represent Traditional Owners of Country and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Victoria. They are not spooked by the recent referendum result but rather strengthened to continue to message the need for Treaty.We’ll begin by learning about Levi and the other recently elected NE Representatives, their distinguished ancestry, their own journeys, and their aspirations for a better future for indigenous Victorians. Levi will also update us on the exciting news that Treaty negotiations are about to start in 2024.We’ll finish with learning what we non indigenous Victorians can do to take up The First Peoples’ Assembly invitation to “Walk with us”, and how we become good allies to usefully support this process of Treaty-making here in Victoria and pave the way for all States to follow to enable our country to come together in true reconciliation.
About Levi
Levi Power is a proud Yorta Yorta man of the Dhulanyagan clan. Levi says, “Born, raised and living in Shepparton. I don’t need to look far for inspiration when it comes to Aboriginal activism from our amazing leaders who have paved the way for us to this pivotal time in our history.I’ve worked in the Treaty space for the past 3 years, engaging with community across the state on a daily basis. This has prepared me for the role. When I hear 'nothing is off the table' when it comes to Treaty negotiations, it inspires me to think big. It’s up to us to shape what that looks like and what the next generation will be born into post Treaty.I want to see a Victoria where the oldest living culture in the world is embraced and celebrated, and the right history is being taught in schools. A Victoria that values Aboriginal community’s skills and knowledge.My priority is to make sure our communities voices are being heard. I commit to accessibility and approachability anytime; on the street, at the footy, or over a coffee.”
Read more about him here.

Feeding the World's Children

Wednesday Aug 21, 2024

Wednesday Aug 21, 2024

This week Marie and Tim talk to Una Hobday OAM from the Rotary organisation “Food Plant Solutions”. This group have developed a large data base of suitable plants for different countries and regions of the world with details of the nutritional values of different foods.  There are also details for growing food plants in various areas of Australia.Food Plant Solution information is designed to meet the specific nutritional needs of children and families and to reduce the incidence of malnutrition around the World. It aims to educate local people in the use and advantages of using  traditional local foods.Want to know more ? Click here for more information about Una and here for more information about Plant Food Solutions.
Also, in this episode, we talk about Goranwarrabul House and its urgent the need for financial and monetary support. You can find more details here: 

Saturday Aug 17, 2024

On this EarthChat, Chloe Fox, Brontë Haines, and Nelly Watson chat with Ruth of their passion, commitment and creativity in bringing yummy affordable local seasonal produce from farm to plate.To produce a healthy and creative feedback loop that ensures sustainable reciprocity means we must take care of the earth. And in the process we get to witness the beauty of how plants grow alongside the invaluable contribution made by micro organisms, insects, and birds in this marvelous reciprocal loop.Growing and eating local food also creates community. We come together to share and swap the abundance of what we grow and inevitably conversations ensue about how delicious freshly picked fruit and veggies taste, and the many ways the entire plant can be eaten, along with learning about lesser known produce including native bush food and how to prepare it. Lots of recipe ideas, etc…..Gastronomy, the study of the relationship between food and culture, the art of preparing and serving rich or delicate and appetizing food, the cooking styles of particular regions, and the science of good eating goes only part of the way.Chloe Fox brings a wealth of growing experience from running Somerset Heritage Produce, a small scale cooperative organic market garden based in Seymour Victoria. Located on the banks of the Waring (Goulburn) River. “We grow according to organic principles and focus on soil health and biodiversity.  We grow primarily heirloom varieties, our vegetables are delicious, full of nutrients and grown and harvested with love and care. We embrace the unique and diverse beauty of our vegetables”.Brontë Haines is generally in the garden. Fair Food & Wildflowers store in Avenel is where her love for growing, food security, and caring for her home, on Taungurung Grey Box Grassy Woodland, intertwine. She has a degree in nutrition and a Masters in environmental restoration. She has worked researching the experience of food insecurity among people seeking asylum, as well as among people accessing food charity in Victoria. When not at the store she is at Euroa Arboretum tending the grounds and the little plants.Nelly Watson is currently part of a team that helps Brontë run Avenel Fair Food and Wildflowers. Her other roles include sourcing and ordering products for local venues who are passionate about using and promoting locally sourced ingredients/products. She has been a delivery driver for the Open Food Network's experimental, small producer focused logistics project, 'Open Road’, and she is part of a team of coordinators for the Strathbogie Local Food Hub, a Euroa based, community led initiative to support local producers during Covid. She describes herself as being fortunate to work in the local food scene since moving to the Strathbogie Ranges 8 years ago where she hangs out in a self built tiny house on wheels in the foothills among the stringy barks, critters and granite outcrops. Nelly also works at the Euroa Arboretum as part of the Bush Crew.This is a lively and enlightening ‘foodie’ romp introducing us to delicious new vegetables, native foods, and the utter delights of growing and eating fresh seasonal produce, along with the many ways we can care for the earth while doing so. Food, Glorious Food!

Tuesday Aug 06, 2024

Our guest on this week's EarthChat is the former Greens Senator, Janet Rice. For over 40 years, Janet has been a campaigner for people and the planet, including campaigning against trucks in residential areas, campaigning for forest protection, being a founder of the Greens in Victoria and being a Senator in the Australian Parliament for the last 10 years. She was the Greens spokesperson on Foreign Affairs, Social and Community Services, Forests and LGBTIQ issues among others. She was also the co-convenor the Australian Parliamentary Friends of Palestine Group, and the Parliamentary Friends of Tibet.Janet joins Tim Budge and Peter Lockyer to discuss a range of topics including the importance of Palestinian solidarity as a social justice issue, her reflections on her achievements as a Senator and campaigner on important causes, and her plans for life after politics. Listen in for what will be a fascinating conversation with someone who has shaped debate on many national and local issues over a long period of time. Read more about Janet Rice and her career on her Wikipedia page. Read her blog about her bike ride home here.

Wednesday Jul 31, 2024

What does this proposed Indigenous management mean now that the logging threat has subsided. Or has it? Is selective logging within this proposal?The Taungurung Land and Waters Council (TLaWC) believes that the State Government must put Country and people first when deciding on the future of the Central Highlands forests following direct involvement in the Eminent Panel for Community Engagement.TLaWC requests that forests within these cultural landscapes be designated as Cultural Reserves rather than National Parks to enable this significant part of Taungurung Country to be managed consistently according to Taungurung cultural knowledge:
“Active management for a broad range of values is needed to heal and care for Country”
Matt Shanks,  Executive Manager of Biocultural Landscapes at TLaWC and proud Taungurung man, joins EarthChat to discuss the emergence of First Nations, and particularly Taungurung Land and Water Council in seeking management of State Forests  since the cessation of VicForest and logging of Victoria’s native forest.The Rapid Biocultural Expressions Assessment of the State Forests within the Central  Highlands Regional Forest Agreement (CHRFA) area occurring on Taungurung Country represents the findings of a Taungurung led research project and outlines Taungurung’s position on the future of forests. It identifies a number of significant cultural landscapes in the Central Highlands and asks that forests within these cultural landscapes be designated as Cultural Reserves. See also here.First Nations managing State Forests seems a neat fit. But what does this management look like, what uses will be envisaged and how does the conservation of biodiversity fit within the Cultural Reserves model.Matt Shanks is an engaging speaker and up for a robust conversation. His thinking creates an exciting landscape of cross-cultural engagement good for First Nations and our broader community.

Thursday Jul 25, 2024

This week Marie Gerrard and Peter Lockyer chat with Elyse Kelly, Mitchell Shire Council's Environment Coordinator about a range of plans to enhance the local environment in our beautiful shire. Elyse has worked at the Mitchell Shire Council for several years and during that time there have been many improvements in the protection of our very diverse area. In the coming months there will be a range of consultation opportunities for the public to comment on various Council plans related to the environment.They also have details of the National Tree Day on Sunday 28th July where there will be opportunities for everyone to take part. 

Wednesday Jul 17, 2024

It's now the middle of Plastic Free July and this week's EarthChat gives us a good opportunity to do a plastic-free stock take. How is the month going for you? What have been the small steps you have taken to make a big difference in reducing plastic in your life? What's going well and what has been a struggle?
So, this week, Tim and Ruth chat about plastics. They also have three different local guests who give their perspectives and share handy hints for reducing plastic. Some actions are harder than others and some people have yet to see the importance of reducing plastic waste. However, the good news, is that some changes are easy and fun and can make you feel much better about life and the planet. Hear how one business, Cafe 96, has been doing some exciting things to reduce plastic in their food preparation and offerings. It's a win-win for them and their customers. Also, get some handy hints about other businesses which are moving away from plastic and who you can support them. We look forward to your company.It's not too late to get on board with Plastic Free July. Take the challenge here.

Wednesday Jul 10, 2024

Turtles in the Goulburn Valley - ancient survivors under threat from foxes and vehicles.Ken Wallis lives on a property  near 5 Mile Siding on the Goulburn River, on which he grows flowers with his partner TR but a healthy turtle habitat has sparked a new interest for them both.Ken’s turtle habitat includes billabongs along the Upper Goulburn Road east of Tallarook. Freshwater wetlands, swamps slow-moving rivers and farm dams are the favoured habitat. The Eastern Long-neck Turtle is in healthy numbers, but their nests  are under heavy threat every nesting season. Foxes in the main, and perhaps larger birds, have an appetite for disturbing nests and eating eggs.  95% of nests in Australia are damaged. So whilst a long-neck turtle can lay a lot of eggs- up to 13 hard-shelled eggs- the brightly coloured plastrons take 120-150 days to emerge. That leaves  a lot of time as vulnerable to hungry foxes and foraging larger birds.Turtles date from 230 million years ago, and have survived the dramatic changes that wiped out dinosaurs but their future is uncertain in a changing climate with pest predators and vehicles. Ken joins Peter Lockyer to discuss the turtles at Five Mile Siding; their nesting habits, how to identify turtle nests, where the nests are most likely and how to conserve the nests. What are the conservation measures available? Have you got turtle evidence in your backyard?Ken has a keen eye, and also shares his observations of patterns in migration of snakes, wombats and birds up and down the Tallarook Ranges through Seasonal Concepts to the Goulburn River. And these patterns change.Ken Wallis chats with Peter Lockyer on EarthChat. Education and stories from our Goulburn River backyard in Taungurung country that makes our region just that more fascinating to share. 

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